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Showing posts from November, 2017

What is Pre-Owned Mobile Phone and How It Differ from Used Mobile Phone or Second Hand Mobile Phone

Sometime we hear terms Pre-owned and second hand in terms of mobile phone and most of them we think these terms are same and indicate towards a used mobile phone. But it is not like that and both Pre-owned mobile and second hand mobile phone are not same and have distinct meaning. Pre-Owned smart phones are unboxed cell phones means a cell phone which is out of box but not used by buyer. Sometime we place an online order to buy a Smartphone, where we submit some specifications like color, model etc, but when the order is deliver we found that the handset is not same what we have chosen on website and sometime company deliver the different product from placed order. Sometime due to mood swing, different choices of family members encourage to not use delivered cell phone and buyer return it to company back. These types of unused cell phones are known as Pre-owned smart phone which was pre- owned by someone but not used by him/her. Second hand mobile phone is a use